Information on the room facilities at the monthly apartment Livemax

Reception0120-713-860 TEL:03-3505-3030

Room Facilities

Basic equipment (common to all series)

This standard rental apartment comes equipped with furniture and appliances, eliminating the expense and hassle of Hikkoshi. Lifelines are also available from the day you move in, with no formalities required.
Bed/microwave/refrigerator/chair/curtains/desk etc.

*The furniture and appliances provided may vary depending on the property. Also, the actual furniture and appliances may differ from those shown in the photos.

Fully equipped (Premium Series)

The Premium Series offers highly functional furniture and home appliances to make your life even more comfortable.
Sofa/TV/Refrigerator/Oven range/Electric kettle/Air purifier

*The facilities provided vary depending on the property. For details, please check the facilities section of each property.

  • liquid crystal television

    liquid crystal television

  • washing machine

    Washing and drying machine

  • refrigerator


  • Air cleaner

    Air cleaner

  • Hairdryer


  • Vacuum cleaner

    Vacuum cleaner

  • Electric kettle

    Electric kettle

  • microwave oven

    microwave oven

  • chair


  • TV stand

    TV stand

  • sofa


  • Living room table

    Living room table

  • desk


  • Beds and mattresses

    Beds and mattresses