Monthly apartments for corporations | Livemax's monthly rental service

Reception0120-713-860 TEL:03-3505-3030

LivemaxRandom Monthly

For businessesMonthly apartment
From finding a place to liveTenant supportAll proceduressimply.

  • Property searchLeave it all to us

  • CumbersomeThe procedureunification

  • Business trips and trainingetc.For short staysOptimal

  • NationwidehandlingNumber of properties20,000 roomsthat's all

  • Corporate Transactions

  • 10 roomsThe above lump sum loans are also easy to make

Main visual image

Looking for a monthly apartment for a corporation
Do you have any of these concerns?

  • Sudden move/can't make it in time for support orders...
  • If you rent multiple properties separately, there will be differences between employees...
  • It takes time to find a property that suits the area, number of tenants, and tenancy period...
  • Managing rent payment dates and move-out dates is complicated...
  • Inquiring and signing contracts with multiple companies is a hassle...
  • I'm worried about whether security measures are in place to ensure my employees can stay safely...

If you use Livemax's monthly plan,
All in one package!

Monthly planReason 1 to choose us
Leave the property search to us.
Introducing your desired property from 20,000 rooms nationwide

・Introducing properties that meet your desired conditions from 20,000 rooms nationwide at once

・Just tell us your requirements, such as "●● room, ●● minutes walk from ●● station" or "●● room in the same building in a week."We handle all property searches

・Users range from one to several dozen, and project schedules are not clearly defined...
It can be used in a variety of cases, such as when several dozen rooms need to be secured six months after new employee training.

From 20,000 rooms nationwide
Introducing the property you want

Japan map illustration
  • Reduce the hassle of searching for properties
  • You can compare multiple properties
  • Quick response to urgent requests
  • Ideal for bulk borrowing
  • Providing the latest vacancy information

Monthly planReason #2 for choosing us
Centralized management of cumbersome contract and billing procedures

・From property search to contract procedures and support for tenants' daily livesLeave it all to us

・No need to deal with multiple operating companies, as contract and billing procedures are all consolidated in one place, eliminating the need for complicated proceduresReduction of work

・Since I signed a contract with Omakase Monthly, I dealt with each Fudo company separately.Consolidate your payments, making payment processing much easier.

Consolidation of payments
Consolidation of payments

Payments that were previously handled by each Fudo company are now consolidated, making payment processing much easier.

Flexible payment options
Flexible payment options

Various payment methods are available, including bank transfer, cash, credit card payment, and convenience store payment.

Business efficiency
Business efficiency

By consolidating the contact point, we can reduce the amount of complicated work and improve work efficiency.

Monthly planReason #3 for choosing us
365-day tenant support to ensure complete response in the unlikely event of trouble

・We provide one-stop service from property contracts to contracts for utilities such as electricity and gas.There is no burden on either the person in charge of arranging or the employees who will be moving in.

・In the unlikely event of trouble, our company or the Total Support Center will be able to assist you.Rapid support availableIt will be.

Furniture, appliances, and equipment are broken
Furniture, appliances, and equipment are broken

In the unlikely event of any trouble, our company or the Total Support Center will be able to provide prompt support.

Consultation service for problems occurring during tenancy
Consultation service for problems occurring during tenancy

If any trouble occurs during your tenancy, the Total Support Center will be your single point of contact, allowing for prompt response.

It is used by a wide variety of companies, regardless of business.
Here we will introduce one example.

Around March 2022
I want to rent a room for new employee training in bulk!

Woman illustration

Person in charge of human resources and general affairs department/company housing at P company


I have been looking for company housing for 5 people since March for company training. I have to prepare a property for 5 Myobun that meets our company housing regulations, so I contacted various Fudo companies, but although there were rooms that meet the regulations, there was no Fudo agency that could introduce 5 rooms at once. I was about to give up, thinking that it can't be helped that the contract companies and nearest stations for the 5 training people are all different, when I saw your company's website and contacted you.


Thank you for checking our company housing regulations and introducing us to several rooms available in Tokyo.
Having one company do the searching all at once was extremely helpful as it reduced the hassle of having to negotiate with multiple companies.
Although it was a tight schedule, you were kind enough to accommodate us. Thank you very much! We will use your services a few times a year for training at the head office and for business trips.

For inquiries
By phone or property request

Flow of the monthly contract

  1. Step
    Inquiry from property request

    Please contact us using the inquiry form for each property in the property request section, confirming the name of the property you wish to use, the period of use, and the number of people using the property.

  2. Step
    Property proposal

    We will contact you after checking the availability. If there is no vacancy in the property you want, we will introduce you to properties that meet your requirements.

  3. Step
    Contract procedure

    We will send you an application form by fax or email*. After confirming the contents of your returned application form and carrying out a simple screening, your reservation will be confirmed. We will then send you a "fixed-term rental contract," a "map," "notes on use," etc. Please return the fixed-term rental contract and other documents and complete the payment procedure (bank transfer, cash, credit card payment, or convenience store payment).

  4. Step

    We will inform you of the method for receiving the key when you sign the contract. On the day of your move-in, please receive the key by the specified method before moving in. As a general rule, you can move in after 3:00 p.m.

─ Contact Us ─

If you are in a hurry, please contact us by phone!
Telephone enquiries
Corporate reception desk

Business hours: Weekdays 9:00-19:00
Weekends and holidays 10:00-19:00

From property request