Privacy Policy of Monthly Apartment Livemax

Reception0120-713-860 TEL:03-3505-3030

privacy policy

privacy policy
Regarding the handling of personal information (hereinafter referred to as "personal information") received from customers who use this website operated by Live Max Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "our company"), in addition to complying with all laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal information, we will also abide by the following "Personal Information Protection Policy."
1. Purpose of Use of Personal Information
  • 1) This website uses personal information for the following purposes.
    • (1) Concluding fixed-term lease agreements for monthly apartments, providing services based on the agreements, and carrying out other after-sales services.
    • (2) To respond to, contact, and confirm requests for materials and inquiries from customers, and to provide other customer support.
    • (3) Providing information requested by customers and inquiries to property information providers.
    • (4) To provide customers with information about surveys, campaigns, services, products, etc. conducted by this site or our company, to accept applications, and to ship gifts, etc., and to check their arrival status.
    • (5) Compiling, contacting, and confirming opinions and surveys received from customers.
  • 2) Information collected on this site in accordance with the following items will be used only within the scope set out in the preceding paragraphs.
    • (1) This website may use cookies, web beacons, etc. to improve the services we provide to our customers and to collect statistical data. Information obtained by combining these with the ID, password, account, IP address, etc. used by the customer when using this website will be treated by our company as information on the customer's use of this website.
    • (2) In emails and other communications sent to customers regarding our services, we may include a URL with encrypted parameters (individual URL) that identifies the customer. Information collected using this individual URL will be handled by our company as customer browsing information.
    • (3) In addition, this site may collect information such as your IP address and the domain from which you connect from your access log. This information will be handled by our company for the purpose of analyzing user trends, etc. of this site.
2. Management of personal information
Personal information acquired on this website will be managed as follows:
  • (1) We will regularly educate our employees on how to protect personal information and will manage your personal information in a strict manner.
  • (2) The number of employees who can use personal information is limited to the minimum necessary, and the information is stored and managed in an environment where it can only be accessed by designated system personnel due to equipment and technology considerations.
  • (3) To ensure security when transmitting personal information via the Internet, we use SSL, the industry standard encryption technology, on websites where necessary.
  • (4) We comply with laws, regulations, and guidelines regarding personal information protection, and have established internal systems in accordance with these.
3. Provision of personal information to third parties and joint use
  • 1) Except in the following cases, this site will not provide personal information to third parties without the customer's consent.
    • (1) When provision to a third party is permitted by law.
    • (2) When we respond to requests from public institutions such as courts or police stations.
    • (3) When it is necessary to protect the life, body, or property of the customer or a third party, and it is difficult to obtain the customer's consent in an emergency, etc.
  • 2) In accordance with "1. Purpose of Use of Personal Information" (1), if it is necessary to provide your personal information to the other party to a contract or to a third party, such as another real estate agent, for the purpose of contract management and after-sales service, we will obtain your consent.
  • 3) If it becomes necessary for this site to share personal information, we will take necessary separate measures in accordance with the protection of personal information.
  • 4) This website may process your personal information in a format that does not identify individuals, create statistical data, and provide it to third parties.
  • 5) The following personal information etc. collected from you will be provided to your card issuer and payment processing company for the purpose of the card issuer detecting and preventing fraudulent use.
    "Name, telephone number, email address, information about internet usage environment, etc."
    If your card issuer is located in a foreign country, this information may be transferred to that issuer.
4. Outsourcing of personal information
This site may outsource some or all of the operations that handle personal information.
In this case, we will enter into the necessary contracts with the contractor and provide appropriate management and supervision to the contractor.
5. Disclaimer
  • 1) We will display any items that we need to receive from you in order to use this site. If you do not enter these items, we may not be able to contact you or provide you with various information, and you may not be able to use some of our services.
  • 2) You shall be responsible for ensuring that the personal information you provide to us on this website is up-to-date and accurate, and shall Issai be liable to us for any discrepancies in the personal information with the current status.
  • 3) If you are a minor, you may use the Service only with the consent of your parent or guardian.
6. Revision of the "Personal Information Protection Policy"
This website may revise its "Personal Information Protection Policy" at any time. In such cases, the website will always post the latest "Personal Information Protection Policy" and will treat all customers as having agreed to its contents.
7. Disclosure, correction, and suspension of use of personal information
This site will respond to requests for disclosure, correction, suspension of use, or deletion of personal information (hereinafter referred to as "suspension of use, etc.") only after verifying that the request is made by the customer himself.
However, we may not be able to respond to any of the following cases.
  • (1) When disclosure of personal information is likely to pose a risk to the life, body, property, or other rights or interests of the customer or a third party.
  • (2) If disclosure of personal information is likely to seriously impede the proper performance of our business.
  • (3) Cases where disclosure of personal information would violate other laws and regulations.
  • (4) When suspending the use of personal information would require a significant amount of expense, or when it would be difficult to suspend use for other reasons, and we take alternative measures necessary to protect your own rights and interests.
8. Contact Information
For inquiries regarding the handling of personal information, please contact the following office by telephone, fax, postal mail, or email.
For complaints, inquiries, confirmations, etc. regarding the handling of personal information, please contact the following office.

Live Max Co., Ltd.
〒107-0052 Tokyo-to Minato-ku Akasaka 2-5-1 S-GATE Akasaka Sanno 9-10 (Reception 9F)
Monthly Apartment Division
TEL:03-3505-3030 FAX:03-3505-3031

For inquiries by email, please click here