Hotel type: Monthly Livemax Hakozaki Nihombashi Stay "Pets allowed" [Twin room] Property details

Reception0120-713-860 TEL:03-3505-3030

Hotel StandardProperty ID: 53145

Hotel Type: Monthly Livemax Hakozaki Nihombashi Stay "Pets Allowed" [Twin Room]

Floor plan
Floor plan

*If there are differences between the drawings/photos and the actual site, the actual site will take precedence.

*There are no potted plants, tableware, cooking utensils, miscellaneous items, etc. used for the photography.

  • Campaign discount
  • Ready to move in
  • Foreigners welcome
  • Pet Friendly
  • Parking available
  • auto lock
  • Elevator
  • Delivery box
  • bath and toilet are separated
  • Bathroom Dryer
  • Toilet seat with cleaning function
  • Two-burner gas stove
  • Separate washbasin
  • Free internet
3 minutes walk from Suitengumae Station Tokyo Metro Hanzōmon Line! Hotel-style with full service ☆
Tokyo-to Chuo-ku Nippombashi Hakozakicho 29-5
Travel time
Suitengumae Station → Ueno Station 15 minutes
Suitengumae Station → 10 minutes to Tokyo Station
Suitengumae Station → Shinagawa Station 25 minutes
Major Transportation
東京メトロ半蔵門線水天宮前駅 徒歩2分
Transportation 2
東京メトロ日比谷線茅場町駅 徒歩10分
Transportation 3
東京メトロ日比谷線人形町駅 徒歩10分
Floor plan/area
Maximum number of people
2 people
Minimum contract period
30 days
Year Built
type of contract
fixed-term lease
method of payment
Payment in installments, lump sum, credit card payment, bank transfer, cash
Other expenses
Renewal fee: 3,500 yen flat rate / Multiple occupancy fee: 10% of listed rent (5% of listed rent for elementary school students)

Property location

*The property location displayed on the map indicates that it is located in a nearby address and may differ from the actual property location.

Usage fee example

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Estimates and inquiries (free)

Inquiries by phone (toll free)


Weekdays: 9:00-19:00
Weekends and holidays 10:00-19:00

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Daily usage fee

賃料 15,000円/日 450,000円/月

Price simulation

You can simulate the fees you will pay based on your stay period, number of people, and whether or not you choose options.

Number of occupants (adults)
Number of residents (elementary school students)
Tenancy Period
Fee breakdown
Usage fee
When the campaign is applied
Initial cost
Optional charges
total amount

*The amount calculated by the fee simulation may differ from the amount you actually pay.

*Depending on the terms and conditions of the campaign, it may not be applicable. Please contact us for details.

Usage fee example

If you bring a pet, an additional 2,000 yen/day will be charged to the rent.

Please note that only small dogs are allowed as pets.

As the property has a license to operate as a hotel, we can show you the property for as little as one day!
*Prices may vary depending on the season.
*Please contact us for details.

Max Hakozaki Nihombashi Stay [Internet Access Available] "Hotel Type" is a hotel-type facility near Miyamae Station Tokyo Metro Hanzōmon Line.

With a full range of facilities and easy access to Katamo, you can enjoy a comfortable stay.

Note: If the room layout and facilities differ from those in the photos and drawings, the on-site information will take precedence.

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Please contact us here.
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